Welcome Elvis Fans!

Elvis Week 2008 is upon Memphis once again and our city will be bombarded with Elvis impersonators and wanna-bes in every color, shape & size! Always entertaining! Plus, the UK Rockabillies swarm on Memphis this time of year as well!

As a result, we have plenty of Pin-Up Dresses, Retro Shirts and Rockabilly Tees in stock to keep you feeling cool and looking cool all week!

Pieces from our VINTAGE selection will be available in the store to keep you one step ahead of everyone else this EP Week! Dresses, Shorts, Tops, Bags, & Shoes for the Pin-Up Queens and plenty of slick Shirts, Slacks, & Suits for the men who love 'em!

Plus, we have vintage reproduction Blue Suede Shoes! Red soles and all! These are what Carl & Elvis were singing about!

Need Directions? CLICK HERE!

TEAR IT UP will be attending Elvis Week events so we hope to see you out in Memphis!

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