Registered In National Do Not Call Registry But Still Receiving Unwanted Calls?

National Do Not Call Registry - implemented in 2004 by the FTC was aimed to contain phone numbers of US citizens who do not want to receive any telemarketing calls. Regarding to the last surveys 92 out of 100 people who have placed their phone numbers on the list report to receive less unsolicited calls. 78% of the poll participants claim to receive much less or none unwanted calls. This proves that creating such a national registry was indeed a good move of US authorities. What is important, the registration is fairly easy and can be either done in the internet or by calling 1-888-382-1222. You will be asked to give the phone number you would like to put in the registry as well as e-mail if you're doing it online. There is no need to enter any additional details such as address or even your name.

Although the provided stats clearly show that the National Do Not Call Registry prevents most of telemarketers from calling your number, there are still numerous incidents when you receive such calls while being listed in the NDNCR. Some of the calls will surely be illegal and you can easily file a complaint about them. However, before filing anything, I'd like to encourage you to read the rest of the article, where you will learn a few exceptions from National Do Not Call Registry.

The first granted exception concerns business lines which are not protected by the NDNCR which means that even you have listed your number in the registry everybody is allowed to call you with his offer and you will not be able to complain. Second exception applies to politicians who can call you with their agitation. However, in the 2008 Congress under the pressure of Citizens for Civil Discourse discussed launching a National Political Do Not Call Registry which we would be opened to voters who don't want to be called by any politicians. Unfortunately, only three politicians actually voted for it.

You also shouldn't bother complaining when you receive survey, debt collectors or non profit organization calls. These are not restricted by the NDNCR. There is also a regulation which let companies who have been in business relationship with you for over 18 months to call you without your consent. If you wish not to receive calls from such companies, you will need to ask them individually which should surely prevent them from calling you again.

You ought to remember how much time has passed from the moment you listed your number in the registry. There is a 31 days hold period during which telemarketers are still allowed to call you. After this time they should stop calling you. Very important thing is also checking if your number actually is listed in the registry. It can be simply done by visiting a verification page of FTC website.

If you believe that none of the above mentioned exceptions concerns your situation, you are free to file a complain. Filing it is very easy and can be done online or simply by calling 1-888-382-1222. You will be asked a few questions regarding the phone call which you think was unsolicited. FTC has also produced a simple movie about filing a complain:

The movie is not stricly about Do Not Call Registry complains but clearly shows the proccess of filing one.

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